Bocanda project, Côte D’Ivoire
Bocanda Project Geology and Exploration Strategy
The Bocanda Project lies on the Ouango-Fitini shear system, which is the southern extension of the Hounde greenstone belt in Burkina Faso. This shear system is also the western edge of the Comoé sedimentary basin. The permit area geology, from east to west progresses from meta-sediments of the Comoé basin into greenstones and then to the granitic domain. A very regular granitic pluton intrudes the greenstones in the Bocanda South permit, showing classic pressure shadow traps.
The main structural shearing has an NNE-SSW orientation, which is regularly offset by orthogonal transfer faulting in WNW-ESE orientations, and which are also known as possible pathways for gold mineralisation.
There is no known historical exploration work on the permits but abundant artisanal gold workings are known in close proximity to the Project and in similar geological settings. Priority field work will consist of stream sediment sampling and regolith mapping.