About Namibia
Namibia is widely recognised as one of the most developed and stable countries in southern Africa with a small population and well-developed infrastructure including roads, rails and ports.
Namibia is politically stable with a well-established democratic system and a transparent system of mining title administration. Namibia was recently ranked as the most attractive African investment jurisdiction in the Fraser Institute Mining survey.
Although not traditionally recognised for its gold potential, Namibia has several outstanding gold mines including the Otjikoto Gold Mine (B2Gold) and Navachab Gold Mine (QKR Corp.)
The Damara belt in central Namibia is part of the Pan-African Damara orogen which formed due to the closure of the Damaran ocean and collision of the Congo and Kalahari cratons during the Neoproterozoic between 870 and 550 million years ago. On the project area the observed geology is includes calc-silicate rocks, quartz-biotite schists, black shale and folded dolomite belonging to the Okonguarri formation which is part of the Swakop group of central Namibia.